domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

Vaughan Lesson: Whose: Three Conditionals

Vaughan Lesson
Three Conditionals
The Three Conditionals and the Beggar
1. Let's say that I'm a person who likes to give money to beggars (mendigos). Let's say that after work one day, I leave my last class and start walking towards my car (en EE..UU. solemos decir "toward", sin "s"). As I am walking, I notice a beggar sitting on the pavement (acera - en EE.UU. decimos "sidewalk") and I think to myself:
If I have a coin, I'll give it to the beggar.
(Si tengo una moneda, se la daré al mendigo.) This is the future conditional. Some books call it the "first" conditional. It's a condition of the future because I don't know yet if I have a coin or not.
If + present tense, future tense
(...I have) (I will give)
2. As I continue walking towards the beggar, checking my pockets, I realize that I don't have a coin. When I finally reach him, I look at him and say:
If I had a coin, I would give it to you.
(Si tuviera una moneda, se la daría a usted.)
This is the present conditional. Some books call it the "second" conditional. It's a condition of the present because it is happening right now.
If I had a coin right now, I would give it to the beggar right now.
If + past tense, conditional tense
(...I had) (I would give)
Nota: Tratándose del verbo "to be", siempre se usa "were" después de "if", no "was" (If I were rich...)  
3. Thirty minutes later, at home, I tell my wife: You know, half an hour ago I saw a beggar and I didn't have any coins.
If I had had a coin, I would have given it to him.
(Si hubiera tenido una moneda, se la habría dado)
This is the past conditional. Some books call it the "third" conditional.
If + past perfect tense, past conditional tense
(...I had had) (I would have given)
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Las 4 joyas del Vaughan Classroom
Repasa estos cuatro puntos del Vaughan Classroom para aumentar tu vocabulario.
para aprender una palabra nueva, repítela hasta la saciedad.

Key Learning: Cuando la preposición "to" significa "se trata de" le sigue un verbo en gerundio.
When it comes to improving your English, it's necessary to study every day.
One expression: Hay un virus rondando por ahi.
There's a bug going around.
One phrasal verb: To get over - recuperar / pasar por encima.

I still haven't got over the shock
No me he recuperado del choque todavía.
One adjective: Scruffy - desaliñado
He looks very scruffy.